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Melissa Hess’ Lancaster Moves: Behind The Scenes

Melissahess_Apr_PosterverticalWe’re really excited about the new photographic exhibit opening in our Coe Camera Gallery tonight.  Not just because the show features a really compelling set of images, but also because Melissa is a  native and working pro photographer right here in Lancaster.  We’re always pleased when we can showcase the artistic work of photographers from the comfy confines of our own county.

Melissa’s show, “Lancaster Moves,” features a series of photographs featuring dancers & movers in everyday locations around Lancaster City doing what they do best, each portraying their own unique style or story in whatever environment they find themselves in.

In the gathering of these images, Melissa mentioned how she was struck by how the dancers interacted with their surroundings to create and enhance their movements, whether they were balancing on a railing, leaping from a staircase or spinning through an alleyway. Their movement gave new life and perspective to spaces we pass by every day.

Beyond the opening tonight, Friday April 3rd during First Friday, the exhibit will be on display through April 29th during Coe Camera Gallery’s regular business hours (Monday – Friday from 10 am – 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am – 2 pm) at 220 North Prince Street in historic Downtown Lancaster.

Below we’ve posted some behind the scene shots of Melissa at work during the creation of this series.  These shots in particular where captured as Melissa shot at the Excelsior Building on King Street in downtown Lancaster. (Photos courtesy of Taylor Brown.)

0264 Excelsior Dancing Dsc 5149 Web 1 | Melissa Hess' Lancaster Moves: Behind The Scenes

